Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 3 Term 3

Literary Analysis 300-350 words. Do not use Wordskills vocabulary.Use the same format as journals.(Due: Sunday March 4th

GUM (worksheet) What is a Clause? (Due: Wednesday February 29th)

Quiz (Sunday March 4th)
1.           Gerunds
2.         Participles
3.         Infinitives
4.         All Wordskills Unit 9 Synonyms

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 2 Term 3

GUM (worksheet) Infinitive and Infinitive Phrases 
(Due: Monday February 27th )
Journal 1 (Due: Sunday February 26th)
Quiz (Sunday)
  • Wordskills Unit 9
  • Gerunds and Participles
Literary Analysis (Due: Sunday March 4th)