Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Feng Shui

Feng Shui 
the Chinese art or practice of creating harmonious surroundings that enhance the balance of yin and yang, as in arranging furniture or determining the siting of a house.

1795–1800; < Chinese:  natural surroundings, literally, wind and water

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Research Report

Research Report First Draft

Due: Sunday March 25th 2012

Word Count: 900-1000

Must contain at least 5 Sources

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Research Report Rubric

Here is the Rubric for the Research Report; use this as a guide to help you in writing your first draft:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Journal 2

Who makes a better leader: someone who is loved, or someone who is feared? Take a position and explain your answer. Use five words from current Wordskills Unit 10
Due: Sunday March 18th 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Quiz 4 (Sunday March 11th)

Quiz 4 (Sunday March 11th, 2012) will cover:
What is a Clause?

·      DEP + IND
·      IND + DEP
·      IND + IND
·      IND
·      DEP

Definitions of the types of clauses

Meanings and usage of Wordskills Unit 10 Target words

Monday, March 5, 2012

Unit 10 Synonyms

adjacent- together, neighboring
briskly- energetically, quickly
contented- happy, satisfied
convey- express, communicate
curious- inquisitive, interested
delicately- carefully, precisely
gesture- signal, motion
hesitate- wavering, falter
intently- closely, carefully
materialize- appear, happen
methodically – systematically, carefully
occasional- infrequent, random
peer- equal, colleague
properly- correctly, appropriately
recede- retreat¸ withdraw
response- reply, answer
stray- wandering, homeless
transfer- relocation, move
utterly- completely, absolutely
wistfully- regretfully, reflectively