Friday, October 29, 2010

Week 7 Term 1

Welcome to Week Seven!

This week we will be covering:
Compound Nouns, Nouns and Their Jobs, and Using Who, That, and Which


(Language Network)
Chapter 2:
Lesson 4: Compound Nouns
Lesson 5: Nouns and Their Jobs
Chapter 13
• Lesson 5: Using Who, That, and Which
(Word Skills)
• Unit 4:
Parts A and C

Journal Seven:
"We get angry at ourselves for lots of reasons. When was the last time you were angry with yourself? What was the reason?"

*Your Journal must include five words from Word Skills Unit 3

Your journal must also contain:
• Introduction (Three Sentences)
• Body (Five Sentences)
• Conclusion (Three Sentences)

• G.U.M Pages 40 and 43
• Word Skills Unit 4 Part C

Term Test:
Chapter One: Lessons 1-10

Wordskills Units 1 & 2

Follow the link below to get to the Powerpoint Presentations:

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