Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 2 Term 1

Welcome to Week Two Term One. This week we will be covering Verb Phrases, Compound Sentence Parts, and the Writing Process.

(Language Network)
Chapter 1:
• Lessons 4: Verb Phrases
• Lesson 5: Compound Sentence Parts
Chapter 12:
• Lesson 2: Prewriting
• Lesson 3: Drafting
(Word Skills)
• Unit 1: Parts B and D

Journal Two:
“If you could close your eyes and see yourself ten years from now, what do you think you’d see? What are you doing? Do you have a job? If so what is it?”

*Your Journal must include five words from Word Skills Unit 1 (Page 14)
Your journal must also contain:
Introduction (Three Sentences)
Body (Five Sentences)
Conclusion (Three Sentences)

• G.U.M Pages 11 and 14
• Word Skills Unit 1 Part D

Complete Subject
Complete Predicate
Simple Subject
Simple Predicate

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