Sunday, November 21, 2010

Term Two Journals


Week One:

"What do you think about a weekly allowance? Is it really necessary? Should you have to do chores to earn it? Why"

Week Two:

"Do you think it's a good idea for someone your age to work after school or on weekend? Give the reasons for your answer?"

Week Three:

"Can you think of five things you can do to become a better student?

What are they?"

Week Four:

"Do you have a best friend or favorite person you spend time with? What is it about this person that makes him or her your favorite?"

Week Five:

"In your experience, are grown-ups usually happy or unhappy about their jobs."

Week Six:

"If you could offer three suggestions to someone about how to live a happy life, what would you suggest?"

Week Seven:

"Can you think of a hilarious experience that happened to someone you know?"

Week Eight:

"Name the first three things you would do if you won One Million Dollars?"

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