Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week 3 Term 1

Welcome to Week Three of Term One. This week you will be covering introductions, conclusions, and the 6+1 traits of writing

Materials Needed:
3 Ring Binder/Portfolio Divided into the following Sections:

Section 1: Warm-ups
Section 2: Notes
Section 3: Handouts/Homework/Journals
Section 4: Tests/ Quizzes

Grade 8B Homework
Journal 2(Due Sunday September 25th)
Quiz: Reading Comprehension (Sunday September 25th)

Grade 8G Homework
Journal 2(Due Sunday September 25th)
Quiz: Reading Comprehension (Sunday September 25th)

Journal Three:  In your opinion, how important are computers in the classroom? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
 Must include five words correctly used from Wordskills Target Words Unit 1 Part A

Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/1083024899285275316-646954838608387092?l=languagegrade8.blogspot.com

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