Thursday, September 15, 2011

Quiz 2 Study Guide

This is the study guide for Quiz 2 Term 1. This quiz will not be easy, so make sure to study well. Our quiz will be divided into two parts; the Essay will be on Monday and everything else will be on Sunday. Good luck everyone!!!

Quiz 2 Study Guide
Quiz 2 will not contain any multiple choice questions. All questions will be open questions. You must completely understand all of the following:
·         Topic Sentence:
A topic sentence is a sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph.

·         Thesis Statement:
A thesis statement is a sentence that clearly presents your main idea and your purpose for writing.

·         Four Types of Paragraphs:

1.     Descriptive - A paragraph that helps the reader to re-create a person, place, thing, or an idea.

2.    Narrative - A paragraph that tells a story or relates an incident.

3.    Informative – A paragraph that provides information or an explanation.

4.    Persuasive – A paragraph that presents a point of view and tries to make readers agree with it.
·         Must fully understand and use Abstract Nouns
·         Must fully understand and use Proper Nouns
·         Must fully understand and use Common Nouns

·         Must fully understand and use Target Words from WordSkills Unit One Part A

Essay: Persuasive essay

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